- What are the reasons I am wanting to sell?
If you are wanting to move into a larger, nicer home now is the perfect time to sell. Why? Because if your home is in a lower price range, the values are not down that much. You will more than pick up any discount you will need to make on your purchase. Homes in the upper and middle price brackets are discounting heavily to find a qualified buyer.
Are you just wanting a nicer home. Is the sq. footage fine, just not the layout you would love? Then perhaps a refinance to pull out some equity and update your home would be your best bet. There are a lot of contractors out of work right now and you can find quality work at great discounts. Moving a wall, expanding out or up might be your perfect solution.
Am I considering a job relocation? A lot of companies will pick up your loss and your closing costs to relocate. What is the housing market where you are re-locating? What is the cost of living like? The internet makes answering those questions easier than ever before.
After you decide the reason you are exploring a move ask about financing. Is your credit what it should be to get the best financing? Credit scores of over 650 will give you a lot of options. In the 700's you are in good shape. Below those, get busy and start your credit clean up process. With diligence and a little guidance you can get those scores up to par in just a short time. Need help? Call The Solutions Team for your free credit clean up program. 435 884 9449.
Is now a good time to sell? Depends on your circumstances... Is it a good time to buy? Absolutely! Prices are lower than they have been for 2 years. Interest rates are great! Sellers are negotiating. It is the perfect time to buy!