Friday, May 01, 2009

New appraisal guidelines could affect market

New appraisal guidelines that could further affect the Real Esatate Market. Some banks & mortgage companies have already implemented some of these restraints. The new rules are formally announced. Check out the final version of the Home Valuation Code of Conduct with implementation required by May 1. Clearly, this will have a major impact on all facets of the mortgage industry... Specifically, the code prohibits:
  • Direct contact between a loan originator and an appraiser.
  • Passing an expected or desired value.
  • Requesting estimated values or sales comparables prior to completion of an appraisal report.
  • Direct payment for appraisals to appraiser by origination-related personnel

"The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has formally announced the final version of the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) to be implemented by May 1, 2009. As expected, the code specifically addresses appraiser independence, pre-valuation requests and the passing of any expected value by a loan originator."

In the past appraisers not familiar with an area could look at comparables suggested to him by a realtor, is this going to still be allowed? Anyone's guess. We'll have to see how this is going to affect a market that is just showing signs of rejuvenation!

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