Friday, September 07, 2007

Yikes! Is my house value dropping?

As the housing market continues to create havoc in our economy I wanted to tell you that it isn't all as bleak as it seems. Your house value a few months ago seemed to be extremely high. You wished you would have jumped on the band wagon and sold while the getting was good, but it all seems to come out in the wash. Had you sold in a hot market, then relocated you would have had to pay more to relocate so where is your savings? Having seen a lot of market turns in our 25 years in the industry we know that these ups and downs are completely normal. You have a stable market with low interest and everyone wants a new home. That creates demand and then you see the prices go up as demand goes up. More building happens which then makes an over supply, demand goes down. There will always be people who have to sell. Rather for financial reasons, divorce, death, job transfer etc. Because they have to sell, they then have to lower their price to get activity. The neighbor puts his price a little lower and the market starts going down. It is when we need to sell NOW that we loose money. That's when you need creative thinking. How can we make it through the crunch? The Solutions Team has been helping people through the crunches for a lot of years. There are always solutions, you just have to be open to options.
Do we think the market will continue to fall? I don't see how it won't. There are too many homes on interest only and adjustable rate mortgages. They are going to oversupply the market, and they are going to be desparate to sell. It will level out. Now is the time that you want to put yourself in a position to benefit from this market swing. You will want to be on the lookout for good deals. They are coming.

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