- Interest Rates are under 7% (relatively low)
- Prices are 30% less than they were 2 years ago
- There is an abundance of homes to choose from
- Mortgage companies are still loaning money
- A home is a great investment
- You can still buy a home with no or little money down
Rather than react to the current crisis, why not ask yourself some empowering questions?
Do I have enough food to eat today?
Do I have a roof over my head?
What can I do today to prepare for unforseen circumstances?
On those days when nothing in your life seems to be going right, it can be really tough to see the silver lining among all those clouds. However, it's during these times when the ability to see the good in even the worst situations is so important. An optimistic attitude benefits not only your mental health, but your physical well-being as well
Optimism – reacting to setbacks from a presumption of personal power:
· Bad events are temporary setbacks
· Isolated to particular circumstances
· Can be overcome by my effort and abilities
Pessimism - reacting to setbacks from a presumption of personal helplessness:
· Bad events will last a long time
· Will undermine everything I do
· they are my fault
What you say to yourself when you experience stress and adversity, your questions-- influences your performance, your mood, and even your health. Do you know the difference between a want and a need? We have very few things that are really needs: medicine, food, the roof over your head, gas for the car that you drive back and forth to work.
If your family could benefit from a new home the empowering question would be " Can I afford the payment?" What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? If you want and need a new home, now could be the perfect time. If you need to sell, now is the perfect time, because you can pick up any loss on the other end. If you don't need to sell, now is the perfect time to stay where you are and make your home feel like your retreat.
In a nutshell, I think we must think of our the things in our life we are blessed with, focus on that and not on the clouds. After all there is always sunshine above every cloud.