Hi, I don't know if you noticed the article on NAR website this week about repricocity. All of the states surrounding us will allow us to receive a commission in their state even though we can't list or show properties there. In Nevada you do need to get certificate. of cooperation from the state real estate division. In Arizona you have to have a written agreement with the Arizona licensee. In wyoming you can't do any negotiations but you can receive the commission. Here is the website to see what different states allow. http://www.realtor.org/NCommSrc.nsf/pages/StateLicenseChart?OpenDocument&Login I only checked the states around us, ie Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado.
Summer has a new listing in Woodland Utah. msl # 660010 & 660012. You might have seen it in the newsletter. She has two parcels, 21 acres and 23 acres. They are $69K and $72K per acre. It is zoned for 20 ac. parcels. It is a beautiful property with streams and gorgeous mountain views. If you want more info call her at 801 979 4663. 

The property includes water rights.
We have a new listing. IT is in Grantsville mls # 662130 it is a great brick rambler that is wheelchair accessible with 5 bed. and an office. 3 bath for only $179,900 on .31 of an acre. It has an amazing backyard with orchard. 

Lloyd has a property waiting to close at the end of the month. He will then be leaving us. He is going to Allpro in Tooele. We wish him the best of luck.
We have some great new postcards available for your sold listings. If you would like to send them out call Julie. Have a great week.